Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Change The Way You Look At Things, And The Things You Look At Changes"

I made a deal with myself when I was younger. A deal, or a dream, i'm not sure which one it was. The idea of competing in The Olympics was always a goal. Sadly, I never reached that goal. The goal switched from competing at the Olympics to working with an Olympic Champion. Within the short space of time graduating from college as a Sports Therapist and then Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, I have reached that goal. I have posted it on my Facebook, but for those of you who aren"t friends with me on there, I am now the full time therapist to Taoufik Makhloufi. He won gold at the London Olympics in the 1500m. (click here to watch -  London Olympic 1500m Final )

Currently, I am in California with Taoufik. It might seem all jolly but trust me, it's hard. I miss my girlfriend Yasmina, and my family. I read a good quote "you flourish best where you are planted". I think it was in the Bible. While I don't have a belief in a religion, I can still have an open mind to take things from scriptures like the Bible or the Quran. I believe that these books might just be really good philosophy books. Anyway, that quote resonates with me, but I don't entirely think it is true. If you refer to my last blog post about The Heroes Journey, you will understand my thinking. I'm not trying to say i'm a hero by any means but i think everyone takes these types of journeys.

I believe that everyone hides behind a keyboard or phone in social media. They are keyboard warriors. They won't actually put up what mood they are actually in. So peoples Instagram accounts is a false identity of what they are. They "go" to the gym but don't actually workout.
I'm guilty of this as well. By looking at my social media you might think I don't have a care in the world, and everything is brilliant. But it is never easy being over the other side of the world, alone from the people I love, and what is familiar to me. Part of me loves experiencing new cultures and anything new. But i want best of both worlds. To be with my family and Yas, and experiencing all this brilliance the world has to offer. Sadly that can't happen, and I realise that i will be back at home relatively shortly! I need to step back and be in the now and see how lucky I am that Taoufik has put a lot of faith in me that he believes I can be apart of the team, and also how grateful I am that I can live what my dream was.

I will leave you with a link from the Anton Savage Show on Today FM that I did just before I left, and an article that was done in the Mirror.


The Irish Mirror Article


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